Tuesday, May 15, 2007

RailsLiveCD Version 0.3.1 - Just in time for RailsConf 2007

I'm excited to announce that the latest version of RailsLiveCD is ready for prime-time. You can download it here:
From Brian's Mac Mini
Or you can get the torrent

Please see the archives for information about the included features. Highlights:

Several useful gems

All in all, it's a fully functional Rails Development environment from the start.

Comments encouraged, nice comments welcomed.


Name: Rachit said...

Root/root un/pw doesn't work. Can you check and replace with the new version?

Oldan said...

Bryan: I was really excited to find your live CD. It's a GREAT idea and exactly what I need.

I downloaded the iso & created the CD. Then started Mysqld and created the rails project. I can CD to the project and do mongrel_rails start. From there I'm stuck at the command prompt [root@localhost ~]. I know I'm missing something stupid, but what command starts the browser? TIA

bronius said...

Would you please post that installation help file here somewhere? I'd like to print the docs to view while installing, but my livecd pc doesn't have the printer installed... It would just be convenient...