Thursday, May 10, 2007

RailsLive Version 0.3.1

I cranked out another version this morning, on my never-ending quest to make the RailsLiveCD a great introduction to the Rails universe. I think this one is ready for the public. If anyone wants an advance release copy, shoot me an email and I'll put you on the beta list.


Richard said...

I've got to ask a question...

I downloaded this LiveCD a good time ago, and just dusted it off. Unfortunately, I no longer remember the username/password to get in. Can you help me with that?

Brian Ketelsen said...


Piratenblog said...

Hmmm, download on the page is V0.2.1

And here you talk about 0.3.1

I really would like to have that one.

Brian Ketelsen said...

The new version will be uploaded tonight.

freecode said...

Any chance that version 0.3.1 will become available for download? I am getting ready to start building on Rails and wanted to try your latest version.

Also, do you need a hosting site for the new version? Let me know.

Have a nice day.


Unknown said...


What are the connection details for MySql when running from LiveCD. I would like to start playing around wih/learning Rails and Ruby and I thought this might be a good pllace to start. The LiveCD boot perfectly but I cannot seen to connect to MySql. Do I need to install it for this to work?